Are Cheap Car Tyres Worth It? Disadvantages You Need to Know

Cheap Car Tyres

The biggest advantage of buying cheap tyres is the comfort they add to your wallet and your savings account. However, that doesn’t mean that buying cheap tyres will always be the right decision and that you will get the value for the money you spend. Value for your money means that you’re getting a good quality product at a good price and not something that ends up adding more to your expenses in the long run. To highlight a few drawbacks of buying cheap tyres Newcastle Upon Tyne, we have put together this informative guide for you.

1. No Option to Resell Them

The biggest disadvantage of buying cheap car tyres is that you cannot resell them. Once we buy any parts or accessories for our car, they add more value to it if they are good quality. However, if you are buying a set of tyres and then end up not liking them, you may easily make a profit from them by selling them at a good price. Now imagine if you bought an unknown tyre set, which is of low quality, would you be able to resell it?

2. Cheap Tyres Scream Unsafe

The biggest reason behind premium and quality tyres being expensive is the safety standards, testing processes, and the use of high-quality materials in their manufacturing. None of this stands true for cheap tyres that are built at a very low cost with poor-quality materials. The time and money that is put into the research and development of technological innovations for manufacturing premium tyres can never be compared to the production cost of low-quality tyres. Cheap and low-quality tyres are unsafe to use as they can result in frequent blowouts and punctures, which can put you at an alarming risk.

3. Sellers Can’t be Held Accountable

When you’re buying premium quality tyres from a reputed brand or a shop, you can hold the seller accountable if anything goes wrong with your product or the purchase. But just in case you are using cheap tyres, you will face the inherent struggle of making any complaints or finding a genuine solution for the problem through the dubious seller or manufacturer.

4. You Can be Held Liable for Damages

As long as you are practising safe driving habits while using cheap tyres, no one will hold you accountable for anything. However, once you end up being a part of any road mishap or an accident due to your car tyres, you will be held liable for the damage, or the mishap that occurs. You should know that the insurance company will also not take any claims. If your cheap tyres happen to skid. These tyres that may seem cheap at first will inevitably become expensive in case of an accident.

5. Quick Wearing Out

While we know that by following a proper maintenance routine for our tyres, we can extend their lifespan and help them wear out evenly. However, when it comes to cheap tyres, they are not really a great value for money as they wear out faster in comparison to quality tyres. A lot of cheap tyres show wear and tear after just one use so make sure to give it a thought before buying them.

6. Damage to Other Car Parts

We all know that tyres are the most important part of our car and play a crucial role in maintaining a stellar car performance. Since cheap tyres typically wear out, deflate and get damaged quickly, they add considerably to the diminishing performance of your car. When you are using cheap tyres, it puts your vehicle at an increased risk of damage to other parts because of the constant strain and the toll of acceleration and braking on poor-quality tyres.

7. Bad Appearance

We have never heard anybody praise cheap tyres based on their looks and appearance. Picture this – you have a sporty Mustang in an all-red shade, and you just bought a set of cheap black tyres to go with its colour scheme. Though the tyres will look good initially, they will eventually begin to fade out into a shade of grey or blue because of the low-quality materials used in their manufacturing.

8. Rewarding Poor Tyre Production

While all the above factors that we discussed about cheap tyres are true, there is one more disadvantage that cannot be left behind. When you buy cheap tyres, instead of quality ones, you are not only putting yourself at risk but are also promoting the production of these poor-quality tyres. As consumers, it is our responsibility to celebrate the innovation and technological advancements accelerating the automotive industry.

Wrapping Up

While buying cheap tyres will always be tempting, they will always add up more to the expenses that you will observe later. It is important to consider the return on investment that you will get by purchasing cheap tyres Newcastle Upon Tyne. So, take some time to make the right decision, and only after that, step out for some tyre shopping in the city.